+500 solutions

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+1,000 prices

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+2,000 reviews

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+100 suppliers

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What does your company need?

We help you discover the best products and services for your business through the opinions of other companies, the prices they have paid, our informative guides and our comparative reviews.

How does it work?

Get the information you need to make the right choice
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    Find fast

    Indicate your sector, size and needs. We will send you a free comparison of suitable solutions. It takes 1 minute.

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    Compare with confidence

    We only recommend solutions that are verified, easy to use, integrate well with businesses like yours and have good customer reviews.

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    Easily get it right

    Choosing the right solution will be very easy for you. Our experts will help you if you need it.

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Why us?

Our mission is to help you identify the solutions that will help you achieve your goals.
We give you the information you need to make the right choice.
Only the TOP 5% of solutions

We select only the best solutions and the best suppliers for each need and sector.

More than 1,000 company reviews

It is easy, quick, free and without obligation.

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We show you the best proposals in seconds. Our advisors will help you if you need it.

+25,000 companies advised

Helping you make better decisions since 2003

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More than 100 verified brands

We only recommend the best solutions and suppliers to get it right.

Real people. Real solutions.

Some of our customers tell us what they think of Cleverals' service
Ramón Vidal

CEO and Consultant, Digital Strategy, Innovation and Transformation at WinLead

``The attention and service were very good, in the end we chose one of the ones you recommended``.
Pablo de las Heras

Financial Director at Outsourthink

``We are not in technology, we are in financial management. With Cleverals, we save a lot of time every time we need technology for a client.``

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