We only recommend you the TOP 5% of the solutions on the market.

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take to receive the comparison?

It is usually instantaneous. If we have a question and need to call you, usually in less than 1 hour. We call you quickly, analyse your needs and find the best solutions for you right away.

What kind of company profile is looking for solutions in Cleverals?

Mostly small and medium-sized companies with a turnover of up to €50m. The sectors in which most companies come to us for advice are services, industry, construction and distribution.

Large companies (€50M+ turnover) also come to us looking for solutions for certain regions or departments.

Our value is to give you a global vision of the solutions used by other companies in your sector and size.

Are all the solutions on the market at Cleverals?

It is impossible to list them all. We have analysed most of them and selected the best ones that meet our verification criteria.

What information will I receive from each solution?

You will have all the important information to help you decide. It may vary depending on the information we have obtained for each solution, but in general we send:

  • Prices paid by other companies for start-up and maintenance.
  • Opinions of verified customers: you will be able to see their profile, their company, sector, size… and their assessment of the solution.
  • Our team’s analysis, images, videos, description of functionalities…
  • Buying guide to help you decide

What do we do with your personal data?

We use the information you provide on the forms to understand what you need and to offer you the most appropriate solutions. If we have partner companies that can provide you with the service you request, we send this information to them so that they can contact you for this purpose.

We indicate this on the form in full transparency so that you are always informed. You can exercise your rights over this data whenever you need to by consulting our privacy policy.